Decorative Illumination
El Taller has the experience and the professionals needed to carry out any decorative illumination project. During our entire career we have carried out the lighting decoration in every type of spaces, not only for individuals, but for many Hotels, Restaurants or for example Port Aventura.
Dintre de l'il·luminació decorativa podem trobar gran varietat de posibilitats, tant en estils com en dissenys. Als últims temps ens hem especilitzat en donar servei de Contract per cadenes hoteleres reparatides per tot el mon, donant sol·lucions de decoració lumínica integrals per crear espais creatius i únics. Treballem amb els millors interioristes de manera conjunta pel desenvolupament dels seus projectes.
Especialistes en CONTRACT, we design UNIQUE ILLUMINATION for you.
Illumination projects
Desing pf the projects
We design the project from an idea or sketch, we advise the client in a totally personalised way
Fabrication of the decoration
We conduct the fabrication following the standards marked by the ISO 9001 and UNE-NE norms for guarantying the quality of our products.
illumination assembly
We provide you with the best professional team to have the project completely finished and with total comfort.